Listen in to what God has been speaking to Downtown Church recently and find hope for your soul.
Most recent sermons.
Recalibrate for Revival
Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Mark Hopper or Pastor Austin Hopper brings the word. You won't want to miss this one. Click below to listen to this past Sunday's sermon.
Jesus in your Boat
When you are sailing the sea of life if you have Jesus in your boat everything will be ok.
God is Looking for Intercessors
God is looking for those will will spend time in prayer with Him.
Love at the King's Table
David brought Mephibosheth to the king's Table. God wants you at His table.
The Secret Place
Psalm 91 - Pastor Hopper shares with the church how important it is for each of us to have a place where we can go to spend time with God and where there are no distractions.
But If Not
The three Hebrew children knew that God could deliver them from the fiery furnace but they were prepared to even trust God if He did not rescue them.
Let God Arise
No matter what comes against you you must let the power and inspiration rise up within YOU. God will help you to overcome anything in your life.
He Knows My Name - Zacchaeus
Hello, my name is Zacchaeus. Jesus saw me in a tree and called my name. He knew my name and asked to go home with me.
He Knows Where I Am - Jonah
Hello, y name is Jonah. God knows my every move. He saw me and delivered me out of the belly of the fish.
He Knows My Future - Nathaniel
Hello, my name is Nathaniel. Jesus saw me sitting under a fig tree and told me what was in my future.
He Called My Name - Mary
Hello, my name is Mary. Jesus delivered me from 7 devils. When He died I lost all hope. But when He called my name I received life again.
He Knows My Mental
Condition - Peter
Hello, my name is Peter. I was a disciple. I denied Him and He shouldn't ever have anything else to do with me but when He arose He called my name.
He Knows My Sacrififce - Abraham
Hello, my name is Abraham. I was ready to sacrifice my only son when God stopped me. He provided another sacrifice in place of my son.
Hello My Name Is - Christian
Hello, my name is Christian. Jesus changed Abram, Jacob, Simon, and Saul's names. He changes your name as well. Proudly wear your new name when you receive salvation.
He Knows The Way - David
David said, "When I had fainted..." We will all face times in our life when we don't know the way but we can look to God for our answers.
The Fight - Lesson 1
Fight for Your Faith - There are some things in life worth fighting for. In this three-part series, Pastor Mark speaks of the proper things that we should fight for.
The Fight - Lesson 2
Fight for Your Freedom - There are some things in life worth fighting for. In this three-part series, Pastor Mark speaks of the proper things that we should fight for.
The Fight - Lesson 3
The Fight is Spiritual - There are some things in life worth fighting for. In this three-part series, Pastor Mark speaks of the proper things that we should fight for.
Witness Series Lesson 1
Pastor encourages the church to "claim the power" Jesus gave in Acts 1:8, "...You shall receive power to witness..." "Come and See, Go and Tell"
Witness Series Lesson 2
Do you have value? What is your life worth? God places great value of a life. "Who is Listening to You"
Witness Series Lesson 3
The Third in Pastor's Witness Series.
"Weep for the City." Pastor uses Nehemiah and the rebuilding of the walls to our modern day.
Meet our pastor.
Pastor Mark Hopper - a fantastic communicator, leader, and minister who has been leading our congregation since 1996! Not only has he ministered in over 80 camps and in more than 40 states, but he has also traveled to several foreign countries to spread his message of love and faith.
More sermons.
A Bride For Issac
What is your favorite Bible story? In the story of Abraham's servant finding a bride for Issac, Rebekah is a type of the Bride of Christ.
The Fifth Sparrow
Do you have value? What is your life worth? God places great value of a life.
Have you ever hand a problem that was so big you just couldn’t seem to look beyond it, and so stubborn it just wouldn’t go away?
He Came To My House
An illustrated sermon told from the viewpoint of the owner of the house where the disciples and Jesus would partake of the Last Supper. Jesus wants to come to your house!
The Secret Place
God is trying to lead us into the revelation of not only having a secret place, but of living from the secret place.
God Is Building A Church
God is building a church. We must be authentic, praying and passionate people if we are going to fullfil the message of Christ.
The direction we choose at the "crossroads" not only has ramifications for the rest of your journey, but more importantly, it determines our final destination.
Not The Half Has Been Told
The Queen of the South came to see the wisdom of Solomon and she said, "Not the half has been told." And "A greater that Solomon is here."
Don't Miss The Party
Have you been baptized? There is so much to be enjoyed in the kingdom of God. Everybody loves a party. Being in the family of God brings so much joy. Don't miss the party!
Hosting the Presence of God
It is so important when God's presence comes to your heart that you have prepared a place for the Spirit to dwell. What a differance Hosting the Presence of God makes!
How Far Will Love Go?
It's the story of Rizpah, and the love she had for her son. How far will love go? Goldly men always inquire of the Lord, for He is an unfailing source.
Prioritizing Your Priorities
Are your priorities where they need to be? Issac built an altar, pitched his tent, and dug a well. His prayer, family and his responsibilites were all lined up with the plan of God.
Trouble With The Curve
How do you handle the curves life throws at you? Job did the right things. We can learn from the life of Job and apply those things to our life to be overcomers.
Where Are You Placing Your Stones?
The Israelites carried the stones out into and out of the Jordan River. What memorials are we leaving for our children. Where are you palcing your stones?
Where Are The Foot Soldiers?
Everybody wants to be a general but God is calling us to be good soldiers. It does not matter the rank in the army. It takes all soldiers to win a battle. Where are the foot soldiers?